Thursday, March 22, 2012

My Promise, My Faith Award

This is an award you can do with your daughter over spring break. Please be aware that because of the diversity of faiths our girls have, I cannot do this with them as a troop. If you copy and paste it into microsoft word it should fit just great. When you are done turn it in to me. Thanks.

Daisy My Promise, My Faith Award
Name __________________________
1.  Choose one line from the Girl Scout Law. _________________________________________________
Find a story, song or poem from your faith with the same ideas. Talk with your family about what the Law and the story, song or poem have in common.  Write about it here.  __________________________

2. Find a woman in your own or another faith and ask her how she tries to use that line of the Law in her life. _________________________________________________________________________________

3. Gather three inspirational quotes by women that fit with that line of the Girl Scout Law. Put them where you can see them every day.
                1. ____________________________________________________________________________
                2. ____________________________________________________________________________
                3. ____________________________________________________________________________

4. Make something to remind you of what you’ve learned. It can be a drawing, painting, poster or story. Please bring it to Girl Scouts and show it to your leader when you turn in this paper.


  1. If we have faith , we trust God and if we trust God we have everything in life.


  2. This is really interesting and knowledgeable. Thanks for sharing. I really appreciate it a lot. Please do more blogs in the future. Thank you and God bless to the blogger!

