Thursday, October 18, 2012

Coming Soon

We have a few events coming up that you need to be aware of:

Pumpkin Picking

Saturday, Oct. 20th
1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
U Pick Red Barn
Please make sure your daughter 
is dressed for the weather. I also 
need signed permission forms at 
the event or before hand. If I don't
have a permission form, your 
daughter will not be permitted to 

Troop Halloween Party
Please have your daughter bring/wear
her Halloween costume to our next 
meeting on Oct. 24th. Please have 
the costume be something she can 
move easily in and put on by herself
if she is staying after school at MMCH.

Juliette Gordon Lowe Birthday Carnival 
Friday, Oct. 26th
6:30 - 8 p.m.
Idaho Falls High School Cafeteria 
Come join other troops from our area
to celebrate our founder's birthday!
Girls should be in their uniforms if you
have one so they're easily recognized 
if needed. You will need to bring your
daughter to the entrance on 7th St.
Don't forget to get me permission
forms. If I don't have them your 
daughter cannot participate. 

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